OLTP databases are a common data source for Data Lake based warehouses which use Big Data tools to run
batch analytics pipelines. The classic Apache Hadoop toolchain includes
Apache Sqoop - a tool for bulk import/export
of data between HDFS and relational data stores. Our pipelines were using this tool as well, primarily
to import MySQL data into HDFS. When the Platform Engineering team took on the migration of
our on-premise Hadoop workloads to the Databricks Lakehouse Platform
on AWS, we had to write our own tool to import data from MySQL directly into S3-backed Delta Lake.
In this post I will share the details about sql-delta-import
- an open source utility we have proposed for inclusion in the
Delta Lake
Connectors project, we’re
looking forward to working with others to improve and accelerate importing data
into Delta Lake!
Sample import
Importing data into a Delta Lake table is as easy as
spark-submit /
--class "io.delta.connectors.spark.JDBC.ImportRunner" sql-delta-import_2.12-0.2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /
--jdbc-url jdbc:mysql://hostName:port/database /
--source source.table
--destination destination.table
--split-by id
This looks a lot like sqoop
… why didn’t you just use that?
We considered using sqoop
at first but quickly dismissed that option for multiple reasons:
1. Databricks Lakehouse Platform does not come with sqoop
Yes we could have ran our sqoop jobs on EMR clusters but we wanted to run everything in Databricks and avoid additional technology footprint and overhead. But even if we drop that restriction…
2. sqoop
does not support writing data directly to Delta Lake
can only import data as text or parquet. Writing to delta directly allows us to
optimize data storage for best performance on reads by just adding a couple of configuration options
spark-submit /
--conf spark.databricks.delta.optimizeWrite.enabled=true /
--conf spark.databricks.delta.autoCompact.enabled=true /
--class "io.delta.connectors.spark.JDBC.ImportRunner" sql-delta-import_2.12-0.2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /
--jdbc-url jdbc:mysql://hostName:port/database /
--source source.table
--destination destination.table
--split-by id
3. --num-mappers
just not good enough to control parallelism when working with a database
uses map-reduce under the hood. We can specify --num-mappers
parameter that controls how many
mappers will be used to import data. Small number of mappers can result in large volume
of data per import and long running transactions. Large number of mappers will result in many connections
to database potentially overloading it especially when there are a lot of sqoop
jobs running in parallel.
Additionally since there are no reduce stages in sqoop
jobs large number of mappers will result in large
number of output files and potentially introducing a small files problem.
sql delta import
uses --chunks
parameter to control number of… well… chunks to split the source table
into and standard spark parameters like --num-executors
and --executor-cores
to control data import
concurrency thus allowing you to tune those parameters independently
spark-submit --num-executors 15 --executor-cores 4 /
--conf spark.databricks.delta.optimizeWrite.enabled=true /
--conf spark.databricks.delta.autoCompact.enabled=true /
--class "io.delta.connectors.spark.JDBC.ImportRunner" sql-delta-import_2.12-0.2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /
--jdbc-url jdbc:mysql://hostName:port/database /
--source source.table
--destination destination.table
--split-by id
--chunks 500
in the example above source table will be split into 500 chunks resulting in quick transactions and released connections
but no more than 60 concurrent connections will be used for import since max degree of parallelism is 60 (15 executors x 4 cores).
and delta.autoCompact
configuration will yield optimal file size output for the destination table
3.1 --num-mappers
and data skew just don’t play nicely together
When sqoop
imports data, source table will be split into ranges based on --split-by
column and each mapper
would import its corresponding range. This works well when --split-by
column has a near uniform distribution
of data, but that’s not always the case with source tables… As tables age we tend to add additional columns to them to
take on new business requirements so over time data in latest rows has a higher fill rate than earlier rows.
Our source tables here at Scribd definitely have these characteristics. We also have some tables that have entire ranges of data missing due to data cleanup. At some point large chunks of data were just deleted from these tables.
This type of data skew will result in processing time skew and output file size skew when you can only control number of
mappers. Yes we can introduce additional computed synthetic column in the source table as our split-by
column but now
there is an additional column that does not add business value, app developers need to be aware of it, computing and
storing it takes up database resources and if we plan to use it for imports it’s better be indexed, thus even more
compute and storage resources.
With sql-delta-import
we still split source tables into ranges based on --split-by
column but if there is data
distribution skew we can “solve” this problem by making number of chunks much larger than max degree of parallelism.
This way large chunks with high data density are broken up into smaller pieces that a single executor can handle.
Executors that get chunks with little or no data can just quickly process them and move on to do some real work.
Advanced use cases
For advanced use cases you don’t have to use provided spark application directly. sql-delta-import
libraries can be imported into your own project. You can specify custom data transformations or JDBC dialect to gain a
more precised control of data type handling
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import io.delta.connectors.spark.JDBC._
implicit val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder().master("local").getOrCreate()
// All additional possible jdbc connector properties described here - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/8.0/en/connector-j-reference-configuration-properties.html
val jdbcUrl = "jdbc:mysql://hostName:port/database"
val config = ImportConfig(source = "table", destination = "target_database.table", splitBy = "id", chunks = 10)
// a sample transform to convert all timestamp columns to strings
val timeStampsToStrings : DataFrame => DataFrame = source => {
val tsCols = source.schema.fields.filter(_.dataType == DataTypes.TimestampType).map(_.name)
tsCols.foldLeft(source)((df, colName) =>
df.withColumn(colName, from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(col(colName)), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S")))
// Whatever functions are passed to below transform will be applied during import
val transforms = new DataTransform(Seq(
df => df.withColumn("id", col("id").cast(types.StringType)), //custom function to cast id column to string
timeStampsToStrings //included transform function converts all Timestamp columns to their string representation
val importer = new JDBCImport(jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl, importConfig = config, dataTransform = transforms)
Prior to migrating to Databricks Lakehouse Platform we had roughly 300 sqoop
jobs. We were able to
successfully port all of them to sql-delta-import
. Today they happily coexist in production with other spark
jobs allowing us to use uniform set of tools for orchestrating, scheduling, monitoring and logging for all of our jobs.
If you’re interested in working with Delta Lake, the Databricks platform, or enabling really interesting machine learning use-cases, check out our careers page!